We have modified this page for the last time on 27/07/2019.
Here you will find the general terms and conditions of www.sponser-sportfood.be (MJP & T bvba), as made available by MJP & T bvba (sponsorship food). In these general terms and conditions we indicate under which reservation we offer the information on our website to you.
Intellectual Property:
The use of the information on this website is free as long as you do not copy, distribute or otherwise use or misuse this information. You may only use the information on this website if the Belgian and European legislation on intellectual property rights and all other mandatory provisions of Belgian and / or European law are complied with. Or if it had been agreed otherwise in writing, all copyright and all other intellectual and industrial property rights with regard to the goods or services supplied by MJP & T bvba (sponsored food), such as but not limited to trademark rights, design rights, patent rights, database rights, etc., exclusively with MJP & T bvba (sponsored food) and / or its suppliers .
Payment & prices:
All prices, unless otherwise indicated, are expressed in euros, including VAT. Errors that arise as a result of this and are recognizable as programming errors or typing errors, never constitute a reason for a valid contract or agreement with MJP & T bvba (sponsorship food)
to be able to claim or assume. All prices are excluding transport costs or transport insurance. MJP & T bvba (sponsorship food) accepts a payment provided a credit card or bank transfer approved by MJP & T bvba (sponsorship food). Payment in installments is not possible. MJP & T bvba (sponsor food) will check the validity of the credit card through the credit card company and will execute the order (as indicated below) after accepting the credit card. After an agreement has been concluded (ie after MJP & T bvba (sponsor food) has confirmed the availability of the product and has accepted the order and the payment method) MJP & T bvba (sponsor food) charges the credit card at the time of shipment.
In the event of bankruptcy or deferment of payment of the customer or a request therefor, the claims of MJP & T bvba (sponsorship food) and the obligations of the customer towards MJP & T bvba (sponsorship food) are immediately claimable. MJP & T bvba (sponsor food) must hand over its claim for collection, the customer owes a fixed amount of 15% of the due extrajudicial collection costs, with a minimum amount of 250 euros. As a payment system, MJP & T bvba (sponsorship food) works together with wix.com/adyen. wix.com/adyen will only process personal data it has at its disposal for the performance of its services. Mollie will not make personal data available to third parties, with the exception of the data registered with a website profile bank statement appear).
Delivery and delivery time
If items are available from stock, they will be sent as soon as possible after ordering. MJP & T bvba may charge shipping costs for sending ordered goods. The delivery of ordered goods takes place at the postal address known to MJP & T bvba, if this is not of a temporary nature, and delivered to the natural person who is at the delivery address. If the customer refuses the purchase or is negligent in providing information or instructions necessary for delivery, the items will be stored for the account and risk of the customer.
In the event of refusal of the goods offered, return freight and storage costs, as well as the risk of damage or loss of the refused goods, will be entirely at the expense of the customer, unless the customer has good reason to cancel the purchase (see cancellation) or the replacement. of the case.
A by MJP & T bvba (sponsor food)
the specified delivery time can never be regarded as an expiry date. The delivery time starts only after all the necessary information is in the possession of MJP & T bvba (sponsored food), after which MJP & T bvba (sponsored food) will try to arrange delivery within 30 days. If this is not possible or there is a reason for delay, the consumer will be notified and he has the right to cancel the order without costs.
Dissolution / termination:
The customer has the right to dissolve the agreement for delivered goods on the basis of an order from MJP & T bvba (sponsored food), if there is a consumer purchase, within a period of 14 days without giving any reason. This period starts when the ordered goods have been delivered. If the customer has not returned the delivered goods to MJP & T bvba (sponsorship food) after this period, the purchase is final. Before proceeding to return, the customer is obliged to report this to MJP & T bvba (sponsoring food) within the period of 14 days after delivery. The customer must prove that the goods delivered were returned on time (at the latest 14 days after delivery), for example by means of a proof of mail delivery. The return of the delivered goods is entirely for the account and risk of the customer. The goods must be returned in the original packaging (including accessories and accompanying documentation) and in the same condition as how they were delivered. If the goods have been used, encumbered or damaged in any way by the customer, the right to dissolution within the meaning of this paragraph expires. With due observance of the provisions in the previous sentence, MJP & T bvba (sponsored food) confirms after receipt and control of the returned goods the dissolution of the purchase by return and ensures that within 30 days after good receipt of the complete return shipment, the purchase amount without transport costs to the customer is reimbursed.
The right to dissolution, as described in the previous paragraph, only relates to the delivered goods.
Force of the majority:
Force majeure is understood to mean, in addition to what is understood by law and jurisprudence, all circumstances over which MJP & T bvba (sponsersportfood) has no influence and which impede or render impossible the delivery of goods including but not limited to a strike at MJP & T bvba (sponsersportfoodfood) and / or suppliers, disruptions in the Internet or WAP, disruptions in electricity, disruptions in e-mail traffic and disruptions or changes in technology supplied by third parties.
An invocation of force majeure can also be made if the circumstance that prevents (further) fulfillment occurs after MJP & T bvba (sponsorship food) should have fulfilled the commitment.
The customer is obliged to immediately check the delivered goods upon receipt. If it appears that the delivered item is incorrect, inadequate or incomplete, then the customer (before proceeding to return to MJP & T bvba (sponsersportfood)) must immediately report these defects in writing to MJP & T bvba (sponsersportfoodfood). Any defects or incorrectly delivered goods must and can be reported in writing to MJP & T bvba (sponsorship food) no later than up to 2 months after delivery. The goods must be returned in the original packaging and in new condition (= not opened). Commissioning after notice of defect, damage caused after notice of defect, encumberment and / or resale after notice of defect, void this right to complain and return.
If complaints from the customer are found to be justified by MJP & T bvba (sponsersportfood), MJP & T bvba (sponsersportfood) will, at its option, replace the goods delivered free of charge or make a written arrangement with the customer about the compensation (in consultation with sponser.ch), provided that the liability of MJP & T bvba (sponsersportfood) and unless the amount of the compensation is always limited to at most the invoice amount of the goods in question, or (at the option of MJP & T bvba (sponsersportfood)) to the maximum in the relevant case by the liability insurance of MJP & T bvba (sponsorship food) covered amount. Any liability of MJP & T bvba (sponsersportfood) for any other form of damage is excluded, including additional compensation in whatever form, compensation for indirect damage or consequential damage or damage due to lost profit.
MJP & T bvba (sponsor food) is not liable for damage caused by intent or equivalent recklessness of non-managerial staff.
This guarantee does not apply if: 1) and as long as the customer has to MJP & T bvba (sponsored food)
is in default, 2) the customer has opened the delivered goods himself or has had them opened by third parties. 3) the delivered goods are exposed to abnormal circumstances or are otherwise not handled with care or contrary to the instructions of MJP & T bvba (sponsersportfood) 4) the defectiveness is wholly or partly the result of regulations that the government has set or will set regarding the nature or quality of the materials used.
Ownership reservation:
The ownership of all goods sold and delivered by MJP & T bvba (sponsersportfood) to the customer remains with MJP & T bvba (sponsersportfood) as long as the customer has not paid the claims of MJP & T bvba (sponsersportfood) under the agreement or earlier or later similar agreements, as long as the customer has not yet completed the work performed or to be performed under these or similar agreements and as long as the customer has not yet paid the claims of MJP & T bvba (sponsersportfood) due to a shortcoming in the fulfillment of such commitments, including claims in this regard of fines, interest and costs, etc.
The customer undertakes to insure the goods delivered under retention of title and to keep them insured against fire, explosion and water damage as well as against theft and to give the policy of this insurance for inspection to MJP & T bvba (sponsor food) upon first request.
Applicable law :
Only Belgian law applies to all offers and agreements for sponsored food.
For questions and / or complaints, the customer can call MJP & T bvba (sponsorship food)
on the telephone number +32 468/062555. Complaints are usually handled within 30 days. If this is not possible for a specific reason, the customer will be informed of the delay. In the event of any dispute, only the Belgian courts have jurisdiction.
MJP & T bvba (sponsored food) has the right to change these general terms and conditions, including those relating to payment and / or guarantees, at any time and without prior permission. MJP & T bvba (sponsersportfood) may announce changes to the MJP & T bvba (sponsersportfood) website, the conditions or other matters by publishing a relevant announcement and creating hypertext links to these announcements. It speaks for itself the MJP & T bvba (sponsorship food)
regularly check this website and these terms and conditions. Agreements that have been concluded on the basis of previous conditions remain in force, including the product prices that were applicable at the time the customer placed the order.
Although the accuracy of the information published on the website is carefully monitored, this information may contain inaccuracies, typographical errors or incorrect price indications. MJP & T bvba (sponsored food) is not liable or responsible for such errors. MJP & T bvba (sponsored food) is entitled to make corrections and / or changes at any time with regard to the products, services, service programs, prices and other information published on the MJP & T bvba (sponsored food) website. Changes or modifications to the MJP & T bvba (sponsorship food) website are made regularly.
If these terms and conditions change, you will find the most recent version of the disclaimer of www.sponser-sportfood.be on the terms and conditions page.